Kidney and Spleen Health

I grew up in a dual cultural family and being part Chinese, I learnt from a very young age that a constant nourishment of the human internal organs is vital to longevity and the quality of life for us. My mother will give us bitter herbal soup when we would rather drink coca-cola, and thick consistency herbal medicinal soup when we caught a cold or cough. We will get a sweet pickled prune right after drinking the soup quickly, as it gets even more bitter when you drink it slowly! Now that I am married and have a family of my own, I realize that the responsibility has fallen on my shoulders to keep the family healthy. Afterall, most of the moms out there will be able to relate with me, we are brought to this world to be the nuturer of men.

The recent outbreak of "gout" in my family brought me to research on the cause of it and how it could be prevented and cured. Gout is often caused by the weakening of the kidney and the spleen in the human body and gout causes the patient excrutiating pain and immobility. Here is a brief description to the function of both the Kidney and Spleen.

The two kidneys of the human body have a variety of important biological functions. It works continuously to balance the fluids on the body, filter the blood and rid the body of waste. This organ is so vital to the human body that there are two. If one kidney no longer works, the body is able to survive using the remaining kidney.

Now the spleen major responsibility is related to the immune system or the blood supply. The spleen removes old red blood cells, stores and produces white blood cells that helps produce antibodies and assist in removing microbes and other debris from the blood supply.

To make it short, the spleen main function is in the immune and circulatory systems.

Back to gout, so my conclusion is I need to find a natural resource to help eleviate the pain of gout, and also to engage in a consistent regimen of providing nutrients that will supplement the kidney and the spleen so they will recuperate and be strong enough to perform their functions. I was adviced by a good friend, Dr. Nicholas Deignan, to drink cherry juice as there is a substance in cherries that help calm down the effect of gout. Great! That is good information. I then went to my Chinese roots, and started digging for the right herbal formula to boil soup for this cause.

Here we go, two things to do. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, boil Carp or lean meat with Rice bean, raw astragalus root, black cardamon seed, some carrots, ginger and chives. This will brew a tasty soup to nourish the kidney and the spleen.

Then, Tuesday, Thursday, boil codonorsis, raw astragalus root, poria, and atractylodes to a medicinal soup to strengthen the kidney and the spleen.

This routine is to be done on a consistent basis for years. Now, I also know that fucoidan have a great ability to nourish the kidney as well. I went to and easily discovered more than 800 solid benefits for just fucoidan alone.

Health first!
Anne - The Bling Girl



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